Saturday, 31 August 2013

offcampus placement at tcs for freshers

you can aply for offcampus placement at TCS.
Yes, it is true.
TCS has decided to recruit students with the help of their online portal

below is the link of TCS online portal for placement.

TCS online portal to recruit students

I will be posting more on TCS.
Stay connected and subscribe us on facebook for more off campus placement news


You can join us on facebook if you want to see latest offcampus hirings.

 facebook page of placementjump

Stay connected and subscribe us on facebook for more off campus placement news
If you have any query or want to share something then please comment.

All the best for TCS :)

Friday, 30 August 2013

Amazon 28 August 2013 placement online test and interview

Amazon placement test

This is the first round question from amazon campus placement (August 2013)

Online Round Coding Question:
Q1. Given a float number 7.64, convert it into the string WITHOUT using any inbuilt function/library.
for eg:
float no.: 7.64
string: 7.64

Buy cracking the coding interview book. It contains questions which are asked in technical interviews. You can by the book from flipkart.
This book contains enough material and easy explanation which helps to crack any technical interview.

Q2. Given the inorder and preorder traversals of a Binary Tree, output the postorder traversal of it.
for eg:
Inorder: 7, 8, 4, 1, 6, 2, 5
Preorder: 1, 4, 7, 8, 2, 6, 4

Postorder: 8, 7, 4, 6, 5, 2, 1 Another 20 multiple choice questions were there from "interviewstreet" as we have discussed it in our post from where amazon conduct there technical placement test And we suggest you to go through the syllabus of amazon which is official mail from amazon Syllabus for amazon placement test You can practice MCQ's from "geeksquiz". It is really a good blog. After this 28 students we shortlisted and they were called for personal technical interview that is round 2

Want to know from where amazon prepare their technical questions?

here is the round 2 of amazon placement August 2013 
Amazon placement interview Round 2 :-

candidate number 1 - Round 2 amazon placment august 2013

Amazon placement Round 2 August 2013

Student 1 - Round 2

Q1. Given a string find the length of longest substring which has none of its character repeated?
for eg:
i/p string:
length of longest substring with no repeating charcters: 3 (abc)

Q2. Given a link list with right pointers and each element of the list has a down link containg another link list with down poitners as:

5 -> 7 -> 9 -> 18
|      |      |      |
10     6    14     20
|      |      |      |
11     8    19     22
|      |             |
12     13           24

each right and down list are sorted.
Write a function flatten() which flattens this link list to a single link list with all the elemnts in sorted order as:

Student 2 - Round 2 of amazon interview

Student 2 - Round 2

candidate number 4 - Round 2 amazon placment august 2013

Amazon placement Round 2 August 2013

Student no 4 - Round 2

Q1. Count the number of inversions in the array, where an inversion is defined as for
i < j and a[i] > a[j]  ( i and j represent pointers to location of the array a[])
for eg.
if a[] = {5, 4, 6, 8, 1}
No. of inversion pairs are 5-  [(5,4) (5,1) (4,1) (6,1) (8,1)] Q2. Find the length of maximum palindromic subsequence in a given string.
for eg.
string  abbbbca
output 6 (abbbba)

candidate number 3 - Round 2 amazon placment august 2013

Amazon placement Round 2 August 2013

Student 3 - Round 2

Q1. Given an Adjacency List, make a replica (Clone) of it.  

Q2: Asked about Insertion in Heap and write the code for function Heapify (used to maintain heap property after every insertion).

Student 4 - Round 2 of amazon interview

Student 4 - Round 2

candidate number 2 - Round 2 amazon placment august 2013

Amazon placement Round 2 August 2013

Student 2 - Round 2

Q1. A string of length n and an integer m was given, give an algo. to rotate the string counter clockwise by m. Give all the check conditions for input m. Then the interviewer asked to write a code for the same with a strict guideline that there should not be any mistake in the code . Q2 : heap, min and max heap, insertion and deletion in a heap. Time complexity of inserting n elements in a heap.

Student 3 - Round 2 of amazon interview

Student 3 - Round 2

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Syllabus of amazon placement test

This is the official mail from amazon.

1. Problem Solving and Technical aptitude
2. Coding (C, C++, and Java: Amazon interviews will not be language specific. You can choose to write your code in any language of your choice)
3. Algorithms
4. Data Structures
5. Operating Systems
6. Database Systems and Management
7. Networks
8. Understanding of OOPS
9. Systems knowledge

10. Computer Science Fundamentals

Go through the coding questions posted by "geeksforgeeks" and "careercup".  Almost every question asked by amazon is from these websites. And they have huge collection of good questions.

For MCQ you may visit "geeksquiz" and it is also very useful.
Want to know from where does amazon conduct their test

If you want to know more about amazon and all the study material available to crack amazon test, then you can comment with your email id. We will provide you all the essential material for preparation for free.

Please bookmark our blog if you want to know more information about placments (both oncampus and offcampus). There will be more posts soon.. Cheers and best of luck.
You can give us a "GOOGLE + 1" if you like our post :)

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want to know from where AMAZON , Microsoft, yahoo, prepare or conduct their placement test ?

From where AMAZON conduct their technical test ?

offcampus placement 2013-2014

You may be hoping to get placed at amazon.  Believe me, It's very easy and you can do it.

Just have a little faith in yourself. 

Go through all the coding questions from "geeksforgeeks" and  "careercup" . They are really useful and are lucidly explained.

If you want to know about the complete syllabus of amazon, then click on the below link.

Buy data structure and algorithms made easy from flipkart and crack your interview.

Now coming back to our discussion regarding how amazon conduct their technical test.
They take their test from "interviewstreet"  . Just  google it and then come back.
Below you can  see the snapshot of the website form where these top tech comanies like microsoft and amazon conduct their technical placement test.

Complete syllabus for AMAZON placement test (official mail by amazon)

Like our facebook page to stay connected
facebook page of palcementjump

Now on their homepage, click on try for free option and then fill the sample form.

Now just click on login to test and you would see a page with few sample questions on it.

When you click on the question then you will see the description of  question and you can also download the test cases for the same.

You can choose your language based on your preference. But yes in amazon test, you can choose only from c, c++, or java. You would be able to compile and run it on their server.

Now you can also see that url in the below image is  amazon-dot-interviewstreet......

You can give us "+1" if you like our blog :)

cheers and best of luck.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Reverse a linked list in java

Reverse a linked list in java

//reverse linked list iteratively
class Node{
Node next = null;
int data;

public Node(int d){
data = d;

void appendToTail(int d){
Node end = new Node(d);
Node n = this;
n =;

} = end;

void display(){
Node n = this;

Node reverse(Node head){
Node previous = null,current = head,forward;
forward =; = previous;
previous = current;
current = forward;

return previous;
class reversell{
public static void main(String args[]){
Node mynode = new Node(10);
   Node temp = mynode.reverse(mynode);
mynode = temp;
System.out.println("after reversing");



Sunday, 25 August 2013

Append two linked list

Append two linked list in java

Merge two linked list

Combine linked lists

class Node{
Node next = null;
int data;
public Node(int d){
data = d; }
void appendToTail(int d){
Node end = new Node(d);
Node n = this;
n =;
} = end;
} void display(){
Node n = this;
void append(Node myll,Node myll2){
myll =;
} = myll2;
class appendll{
public static void main(String args[]){
Node myll = new Node(10);
Node myll2 = new Node(14);

coin change problem in java dynamic programming

coin change problem

Given an amount "N" cents, and infinite supply of "1 cent", "2 cent" and "3 cent" coins.

 Your task is to find out
minimum coins required to make change of amount "N cents"

Dynamic programming

class change{
int coin[] = new int[]{1,2,3};
void minCoin(int amount){
int n = mincoin(amount);

int mincoin(int amount){
return 0;
if(amount<=3 && amount>0)
return 1;
return minimum(mincoin(amount-1),mincoin(amount-2),mincoin(amount-3))+1;
int minimum(int x,int y,int z){
int min;
if(x>=y && z>=y)
return y;
return z;
return x;

class coinchange{
public static void main(String args[]){
change myobj = new change();


google criteria for placement

google criteria for placement

Role - Product Quality Operations

Ques - Who can apply?  or What is the eligibility criteria for google placement?

Any B.Tech , B.E  (IT, CSE, BT, ECE, CIVIL, CHEMICAL, MEHANICAL) with CGPA 5.2 or percentage equivalent to 60 % can apply for Product Quality Operations post in GOOGLE.
And this is the only criteria for placement in google.

What does Product Quality Operations team does ?

They fights fraud and defends GOOGLE products such as Google Search, Google Adwords, Google  Adsense, Google Analytics , Google Maps etc. 

 How much salary they give to freshers ?

4 Lakh per annum (approx Indian rupees).

You should know, how internet works.
Good communication skills.
Strong Analytical skills.
You should have ability to come up with new solutions.
Should have ability to move along with google dynamic enviroment.